Nokia Siemens Router Configuration..
Nokia Siemens Router Config-Sanjaya Steps 1)Open you firefox and type in the URL 2)If a promt for User name and password is asked, type admin for both Now u r in... Now u can see the nokia semens website.... First in ADSL SETTINGS (left side) In the LAN Setup make these changes : 1. put the IP address as 2. Subnet mask : 3. Enable DHCP server 4. start IP as 5. end IP as Then in DSL Settings : Enable all (tick all) except SRA and AnnexM Now in Wireless settings BASIC SETTING Name your SSID as per your choice .. like India or something which yo remember. You can either hide the SSID from others as well. But thats your choice SSID is the name of the network Country : India Security Setting: Network Authentication : OPEN WEP : Enabled Encryption strength : 64 or 128 (I reccomend u use 64,its mor...