EA Cricket 2007

This game is titled also "Cricket 07"
Cheat Codes:
Highlight, but do not select, the "My Cricket" option at the main menu
with the mouse pointer, then enter one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function. Press [Esc] to pause game play and 
re-enter the code to disable it. 
Code           Effect
asif         - Your bowlers have full stamina.
yousaf       - Super Batsman.
afridi       - You play Supersix.
salman       - You play Super Four.
wasim        - You have super bowlers.
waqar        - You bowl superballs.
rhodes       - You have super fielders.
inzamam      - Your batsmen have full stamina.
akhter       - Your bowler bowls with super speed.
haier        - Empire does not give noball despite.
malik        - Fielders have some enough flying abilities to catch the bowl.
gul          - Your bowler always has all special deliveries.
saqlain      - Your bowlers bowl with magic moves.
razzaq       - Faster runners.
rkobat       - Super batsman.
rkosix       - Super Six.
rkopowerbowl - Super bowler.
rkofly       - Flying fielder.
rkosd        - Special deliveries.
rkoall       - All rk code effects.


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